Monday, October 09, 2006

The news got me down again...

So what's up today, some news I picked up this morning: North Korea suddenly has nuclear weapons, Syria opens for war against Israel, USA suggest spiltting Iraque into three pieces(kinda like when your mom seperated you and your siblings when you were driving her mad with your arguing), and in Norway; Schoolchildren engaged in politics are more prone to conflict with their teachers. What a world we live in. I am morbidly intreagued to see where some of theese situations will go, at the same time I wish I could ignore the entire world until it starts behaving normally. As if that's ever going to happen. We're on the wrong track her folks, and we've been for quite some time, I don't now what went wrong but at somepoint in time we made a wrong turn, a really bad one. This world becomes less human by the day, we are now at a state where we develop new stuff just to do it, efficiency is next to godliness, it's the "bigger better stronger faster" complex screwing us over, once again. Growth for growth, no real progress beeing made, hostility increasing every single day, and people are becoming less and less able to identify with eachother and the world around them. We are obsessed with the individual, without beeing able to see it, I don't like words like "values" bechause most groups whom use them use them to push their own agenda and opinion, they have monopolized the word itself, but I do actually belive that a lot of people have lost their values, or never found them to begin with. Because we need more than what a lot of us are given theese days, the consumer ideology, pushed down our throtes from every angle is fake, it has no substance and it's essens lie, not in the filling of needs, but in the creation of them. Of simply creating fake needs, make you want something you probably don't need(or you would probably have had it already), and they do it for one reason, and one reason only. To make money. Money is our new god, say what you will but in the world of 2006, cash truly is king, it's a constant worry for most of us, and the accumulation of it is one of the foremost goals out there. So this is where evolution brought us? Cause to me it looks a lot more like devolution, we have reached the point when the only things we are supposed to do is work and consume, we are indoctrinated that the world is as good as it gets, that this system is perfect, but it's not. People matter far more than things ok, life is not about the accumulation of objects, your fucking tv is big enough, what do you really need? I think people need to talk to each other, I think people need to start asking far more questions and I don't think we have forever to realize this. The world is changing, our ecosystem is in trouble, and big oil is telling us to look the other way, the world is collectivly behaving like we have a new earth ready for colonization, and we don't. Will we be the generations that ruined it for everyone? The way it's looking I know which way my bet would go. Dark days might be coming before we know it, so prey it wont be to late to turn around, to whichever god you prefer. On the bright side, people are still people, and I do still belive it's more good than bad in most of us. We can prevail, but I don't think we will before we get a serious wake up call(and nature has it's scary ways...), until then, try to do your best, be kind and appreciative towards the world around us, it's the greatest place we know.

Miramuffin says: Hmm, todays column became darker than I expected, should probably give up news all together I guess, but I do love knowlege. Well, I'm a happy girl today anyways, my little corner of the world is a bright and pretty place, lately it's been far warmer than it used to be as well. The strange ways of life will never cease to amaze me, neighter will the joy of beeing human and alive. So go outside and do something pointless that you enjoy, don't ever let anybody tell you that everything you do needs to be productive. Smile, give them the finger and pity their lack of joy in life. Invent ballgames with everchanging rules, make up stories with your friends, try to teach your dog to play tennis or play with frozen fish in the supermarket. Do what you want to do.
Feeling a little better now? Hugzes:)


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