Saturday, October 07, 2006

The perfect night out is cancelled do to existencial change of heart

Yes, I was planning to write this one yesterday. But then I got drunk with neighbours and friends in stead, I'll just call it "reasearch", and totally justefy it to myself, hah! Kidding. Considering that sentence took me five minutes, this one's not for you grammarfreaks out there, I'm not hung over, more like I'm not entirely present. Well, the perfect night out... Oh I'm bored already, there's no such thing, or there is, it just cant be planned or forced, it has to happen on it's own and no two are alike. Impossible subject, but a few things might be clever to keep in mind, people you like, alcohol you like and know(importent, experimentation can be fun but there can be unexpected consequeses involved), not drinking to much can be key, and so on and so forth... Done.

I've been breaking all the rules all the time anyways, and I have had a lot of fun in doing so, I'm not a good rolemodel. For the last year I have been partying(and living) in a slightly crazy manner, probably making up for a bit of lost time, and maybe, deep inside, because I'm getting older and it scares me. The whole "live before it's to late" philosophy always appealed to me, but lately it's been diffrent. I think I'm done. I actually reached a point where, one; it's not that much left to do, two; I got away with a lot of crazyfun impulsive stuff, never smart to push the odds, and three; it just dosen't do it for me anymore.
Don't get me wrong here, I'm not abandoning it in any real way, I'm still going to party once in a while(ore twice in a week...), I'll probably still don my life of the party coat on those special occations, or when I feel like making it a special occation, but it's not real anymore. Maybe I got tired, maybe I indeed got old before my time(as if, I still have a lot of fun, no matter what I do) and maybe it's just enough. I got wasted yesterday, but it's not buyers remorse I'm suffering from today, not hung over, got up at six AM, cleared my room and had some breakfast, feeling fine and looking wellrested for some reason. But when I look back on last night, fun as it was, (the coolest part was sitting with a bunch of people in my room, running out to make popcorn what seems like a million times and laughing a lot, behaving like teenagers, started drinking before four PM and got trashed before ten) it dosen't feel the way it used to. In all this fun I somehow kept thinking that it felt like some kind of going away party, not beeing able to place the feeling until I woke up this morning. I realized that despite the fact that I'm going to another party tonight(my brothers housewarmer, it will be a fun one I suspect) what I'm really looking foreward to is playing chess during the day(also with my brother), baking a little, and writing. Oh no, I went and got boring! "I'm looking foreward to baking"?! Who is this person? Jeez, I hardly recognize myself in this, yet, all things considered, I'm still very much the same(last time I baked I barely managed to resist an urge to stuff my face into the dough to see if it would leave an inprint of me, yup, still me) I'm just ready for change, ready for something else.
What it will be I still don't know, life is no open book and you never know what's waiting around the next turn on in time. But hey, I will be having fun, this much I'm sure of.

Miramuffin says: Run along my little minions(I love that word, minion minion minion, there, out of my system, promise), run out into the world and have some fun, enjoy life, learn something new, show someone who you are, then tell them you don't know, fun! Now I have to get baking, then chess, then party, just another ordinary day. I do love life very much. Tomorrow I'll be hyper, in some cases I have the patience of a fiveyearold and lawyerboy is coming home after a weekend away, so I'll be milling around clearing random areas of my room and the kitchen, driving my neighbours insane. This also means that tomorrows column probably will be a strange one, but hopefully amusing as well. After all, I aim to entertain;)


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