Friday, October 06, 2006


I don't know how many times a day an average person is exposed to advertisement of some kind, but I think it must be quite a number by now. Most of us just tune them out on some level. I got out of bed, not to long ago(I know it's late ok, had a horrible night of slumering more than sleeping, actually slept so badly it made my teeth hurt) and I have been hit in the face by about a hundred sales attempts so far. I read a bit in a magazine while eating breakfast, about fifty attempts there, I listend to the radio, about fifteen there I think(but who's counting..), and then I went one line. Fortyfive is a kind number there, I could probably adjust that one up. Well, at least I'm not watching tv. This is something we have gotten used to, we are not all that responsive to it anymore. As a child I remember I was pusseled by all this advertisement, I think I asked my mother at one point "These products must be in trouble, why would they otherwise need all this advertisement?" My mother responded with a tired laugh and said "That's not the way it works honey." It sure ain't. As a child I actually belived there was such a thing as "enough", of course then I grew up and realized we are residing smack down in the middle of a culture buildt around the premise of "continual eternal growth", or as I prefer to call it, the "Bigger better stronger and faster economy". And there's absolutly nothing to do about this I'm afraid, the corportions are ruling the world and most of us haven't even noticed.

Well, this is probably some form of evil, but why do they have to make it even worse? Why are so much of the advertisement directed at us completly dimwitted? Example: Herbal Essense, give it a rest will you! I am not having orgams while washing my hair and I sure as hell don't have them upon seeing the result. It's was slightly fun the first time you did that one some years ago, but now it's just mindblowingly dumb. Im boycotting you already, partly bechause your advertisement sucks so badly it's painful to watch, and partly because you're products are so strongly perfumed I'm actually afraid of it. This is classic by the way, if you try to analyze a few advertisements on a basic level, sender/reciver/targetgroup and so forth, you will discover a few things. Advertisements directed at women are in most cases based on a very shallow pemise, the "Use our product and be beautiful" premise. Because that's how smart advertisers belive women to be, and considering this formula has been followed for a very long time, they might have some scary reason for thinking they are right. The diet food and beverage marked was up until recently reserved for women, with the result that these products have some of the worst adverts out there, we get the image of worrying about summer and the bikini season forcefed from early age. This must be sooo healthy. The advertstyle riding on the greatest successwave from the end of the ninetees up until now are "fun" adverts, thers a lot of sales in making people laugh apparently, I don't actually mind all that much, at least there is still a bit of creativety in theese ones. Then you have the "estetic adverts", directed at a market of consumers with to much money, theese adverts are a combination of images and music, usually not all that much about the product, it's ment to induce a feeling, usually of luxury and just how hip you can be upon buying this product. Don't really mind theese ones that much eighter, theyre not as imposing or "trying to be personal" as the next one in line...
The worst of the bunch, the one that often leave me totally disgusted: The "wellness" industry. They wont leave me alone, and they will not be resonable. "This is the miracle cream/shampoo/showergel/fuckings junk you have been waiting for!" "Feeling a little off/tired/old/heavy/confident? We'll fix it, if you just buy OUR product evertything is going to be GREAT!" Die. Die in a horrible horrible way will you. Die drowning in the pink goo you are pimping this week! I'm so fucking tired of worthless products, stuffed in nice bottles, given a "spokesperson" in "this weeks hottie star and being pushed at me from every fuckings angle. Don't read magazines, newspapers, watch tv ore use the web you say? HAHA! Not enough, I'm beeing marketed while waiting for the bus for christ sakes, even in the bus, I can't take the fucking bus to work without being subjected to several "campaigns" created(and thats a strech) by you coffeefuled satanspawns of advertisement! Why must you be everywhere I turn? And we don't want your shit ok? I'm not buying ANY product with an annoying or massive adverisementcampaign. I WILL NOT.

And to the person reading this, please spread the word, take our lives back, say no to the spawn of satan(previously known as the marketing department), just say no. See an advert that annoys you? Feel free to email the company producing it, tell them about what's going on with you for no apparent reason, sujest they buy your old VCR or such. And again, tell your friends. We will leave them alone when they return the favour...

Miramuffin says: Ah, feeling better already. And look, I'm angry me again, insomnia seems to do the trick. But I'm not just kidding neighter, they invades our space, lets all start returning that particulare favour, at least until they gives us back public transportation(we pay for it!).
Have a great friday, I might be jotting down a guide to a perfect night out a little later. Have fun, go wild, don't let the bastards get you down;)


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