Sunday, October 01, 2006

The enviromental corner: The calm before the storm

The last few years temperatures has been rising all around the world, we keep getting news of far from normal weatherconditions, and humanity... Well it really does not seem to mind, or even notice. This is one of the less charming traits of humanity, this ability to just completly ignore a problem, hoping it will pack its bags and silently get on its way. No such luck this time, this is not one of those pesky little issues, along the lines of "I'm not throwing out the unidentefiable piece of food from the fridge, I didn't put it there, it must be someone elses problem." This is a key problem with humanity, we have realized that most things, and most problems falls into this category. And when we are talking about such a huge problem as global climate destructions, well, it's not easy to point the finger on someone that's responsible. In other words, it's the biggest case of "someone elses problem" we have ever seen, and we are collectivly avoiding eyecontact with it. But if you should to try a little pointing of the finger... Well, there are a few good candidates out there.

Yes, you are to blame...

First, lets start off with global oil industry. Yes, it's global, the huge companys might have some nation as it's mailingadress but make no mistake, these guys are all over the place. They have operations going on practically all over the world, where there is oil in the ground, the gigants are there, pumping it up and "playing by the rules" of the particular country where the reservs are found. Isn't this a little frightning? A huge company, bending to ten to twenty diffrent sets of regulations, always having a diffrent set of ethics ready for the next big find. Small example: A very large norwegian oilcompany(we're big in oil, huge for such a small country) actually tried to explain itself out of corruptioncharges by arguing "It's the way they do it in that country, everybody does it there". It's funny bechause it's true... Of course, in small, underdeveloped countries with little ground laid when it comes to regulations and controlmechanisms, corruption will prosper and flourish, given the chance. That's why we need the big and powerful multinational oilindustry to have a constant set of ethics, so that we might have some hope of beeing part of the solution, not the problem. But no such luck. The biggest boys in this industry have economies that dwarfs those of a lot of countries, they have powerful lobbys, working their angles all over the world, thereby making their own rules, one of the clearest examples today of course beeing in the united states of A. Which brings us to my next badguy.

Denial, malice, greed or ignorance, fine diffrence...

We know, ok? You can call it war on terror, war for democracy, war against weapons of mass destruction, whatever, it's all about the oil. The hijackers from 9/11, most of them where Saudi. Sauidi Arabia is the one country the united states have come to rely on for their overconsumtion of oil. So they are safe from american skirmishes, it's that easy, no need for democracy there, who needs democracy when they're exporting oil to the united states. Iraq, now that's a whole other matter, and the americans are sure building a lot of stuff down there, considering they are planning to leave. Well, I guess that means the contracts have been signed...
And when I'm takning about the united states, what the hell is all this trouble with the kyoto agreement? Someone please explain this to me, the world joins toghether to discuss the enviromental problems and climate changes, miraculesly they mangage to draw up an agreement, and a lot of countries sign it. Everybody's happy, until uncle fucking Sam says: "This is not for us." So you don't inhabit the same planet then? Or maybe you have a new one hidden away somwhere, just for you? Because this is not the responsible choice right now, we're in the most exiting race of all time, between total oil consumtion(and the large chrises that will follow) and a total climate collaps(and the enormous global disaster that will follow).
With the oilindustry riding like a champ theese days, I guess you could say the united states are doing some inside betting, and making a killing at it, one might add. The rest of us, I guess we're left to pray that we run out of oil before it's to late, before the world turns into someplace a lot less friendly. Think you have seen storms? You ain't seen nothing yet.
The american goverment still claims not to belive in climate changes, they have the reasearch saying othervise, but that is beeing cencored by the white house. Yes, I know I sound like a conspiracytheoryfreak, I will explain. The white house demands to see all reasearch Nasa does on enviromental issues before it's published, they have also hired someone to "wash" these reports, and "put a more positive spin" on them, I'm not kidding, I don't trust a lot of sources but sixty minutes is an exeption, a very good one. The person doing this fun job had great qualifications from his last assignment. He was a leading lobbyist for oil industry.
Now that's the guy you want handeling your enviromental issues.

So enjoy the hot weather everyone, build your houses solid, and waterfront investments might not be recomendable at the moment. A new day is coming, one way or the other, so brace yourself, it's all I can tell you, I don't know what the future brings. Oil is ruling the world at the moment, and that's not about to change. Man, I got depressed writing this column, happier subject later or tomorrow then.

Miramuffin says: Goodnight and good luck, love life and live it, there are no second chances.


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