Saturday, September 30, 2006

Saturday night in the end of September

So, I'm here, sitting relaxed in my room(I refuse to call it an appartment, I share a bathroom, and everything is tiny...), having a big cup of tea and a much needed cigarett, content and pleased with the way this particular day went along. It's been a good one, the kind that makes you smile that little secret smile, the one you catch yourself making when you're all alone and doing something you normally find boring. The one where you close your eyes for a short while, allowing your mind to drift and remember, all the reasons for that strange smile. I think they are a short way from kicking down my door and revoking my cynicslicence just about now. And they might very well be in the right to do so.

I'm listening to George Carlin, something everyone should do a lot more often. Bill Hicks is another great option, in a society where we seem to give a bigger fuck about the world, and everything in it, for every day that pass us by, we need these voices more than ever. Whenever I listen to Bill Hicks talk about the first gulfwar, under Bush 1.0, it sends a painful chill down my spine, and then a sad feeling, something along the lines of "Bill, I'm glad you did not have to see the days of Bush 2.0, if you had still been around, this one would have put you in the ground for sure. And while we're talking, we miss you very much." These guys did a lot more than just stand up comedy, they looked at our society and asked questions, which of course got them censored. Yes, that's right, censorship is still here folks, we just stopped taking notice, or caring, I don't even know which one anymore. The enviroment is getting screwed (I'm working on a column on this subject, but that's for tomorrow), there's war raging lots of places now, a few of them are even awknowlaged by the evil empire itself, and the average Joe/Joanna just choses to keep walking, eyes closed, assuming everything will get better, anyday now, anyday. I DON'T THINK SO.

There's that old New York joke about how long a person can lie unconcius on the street before someone admits to seeing it and doing something to help, something along a week I think... You must have heard it at some point. Well, welcome to the brave new world people, because that's where we're all at right fucking now. "Uhoh, the world seems to be kinda...going to hell, and what's this strange weather all about?" This is a question we should be asking ourselves right about now. But no such luck... The news are listing deathtolls again, buissniss as usual, just keep walking, if your not looking straight at it, it's not your problem. Avoid eyecontact, for the love of god, avoid eyecontact, as long as you keep looking straight foreward, or slightly inward, we're all still safe. There's not a problem if you don't admit there is one, like with addicts in fact, the first thing they learn; awknowlege you have a problem. It's the first fucking step, nothing can be done before that one is off the table, and without it? You're going nowhere slow. Or straight into a global scale disaster, now doesn't that sounds fun? I hope so, because we're all going, there's no getting off this train, there's no earth 2.0 out there, nowhere to run folks, so buckle your seatbelt, at least we're in for one hell of a ride...

Miramuffins says: Go out and have some fun, be kind and patient, but keep your eyes open at all times. The world is still a really great place, so see it before it's to late. It's a Saturday so lots of you will be out and about, take care and enjoy yourself, and you might benefit from reading my eleven step guide to drinking, just a few tips.
Goodnight, good luck, love life.


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