Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Casione Royale, no spoilers included...

So, caught the last Bond adventure yesterday, "Casino Royale".
I liked it, liked Craig Daniel as Bond too, the blond hair doesn't bother me at all, Bond is not about the hair, it's all about the attitude. Sure, the movie wasn't perfect, sligthly marred by timing issue(seems like a beginners error, strange for such a longlived concept with a wellseasoned director) and a weak female lead(it's a fifty fifty issue when it comes to Bondmovies). But hey, I was in stitches when it became clear they were looking for a new Bond, not so much bechause I liked the last one(he was ok but a little...spent), but bechause it's easy picking the wrong one. Ok, for a while I felt strongly that anyone but Clive Owen was the wrong one, but Daniel worked out surprisingly well. The new Bond might come off as a bit of a sociopath but I think that might be becoming for a character, wich after all is a glorified hitman. I love that new Bond(and it is a new Bond indeed) is directed at an adult audience, with a harder edge and a more defined personality.
The actionsequences vere great(and that, along with some british arrogance, is what I'm in it for), and the opening scene was glorious, really, beautiful to wach, high adrenaline, and spotlessly performed. Too bad the movie slows down to a halt for a while and have to hurry to get back on some form of track towards the end. Love the texas hold'em sequences, though I wished they had flowed a bit better, the movie became very cut and paste around this point.
For the next venture; keep the stunt crew(so gifted indeed) and the effects people, Daniel Craig, and the lovely coldharted M(Judi Dench), get a new director(yes, I know, this one did "Goldeneye" a good bond film, but then he went off and did Zorromovies, and the far from flawless, stumbeling with timeissues; "Beyond Borders"), find some new Bondgirl with a bit more flare(Eva Geen has pretty eyes, and that's about it, boooooring!) and use a lot of time on the script.
So should you catch this one? Yes. Yes indeed, and do it at the cinema, the bigscreen really makes the most of the spectaculare actionsequences, and I might add that the cartoonlike aspect of former Bond actionscenes is all but gone, replaced by a more up to date realistic, but no less dramatic touch. Pretty and exilerating, just what I want on a late tuesday night. So run along and get yourself some tickets will you.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


So I guess I have to wite this one now... Oki, I should be cleaning my room and some stuff, but hey, I don't want to. So Borat it is. The movie could be described as a "mockumentary" I guess, and it is best enjoyed if you get into a "just for laughs" state of mind. Otherwise you will find yourself, like me, constantly wondering what's staged and what is not. But the movie really is funny, albeit not worth the insane hype that surrounds it. Sasha Cohen really must have good karma ore something, for this movie has gotten way more than it's share of the worlds attention. So I'm an going to ignore the hype and any of the fuzzy political discusssion, like how the Kazacstani(and I doubt that's the way it's spelled...) government responds to the movie and so forth. So what's good about "Borat" then? Quite a lot infact. My favourite sequense would be at the car dealership, "What kind of car would attract a woman with a shaved vagina?" (I think that's how the line went. The cardealer(whom is not in on the plot or possibly; the film) responds quicly. "That would be the Corvette. Or a hummer." It's funny bechause it's true, smirk. And don't do that feminist thingy about me (and the movie) beeing condescending towards women, there are women out there who has a corvette on their "things I need in a man" list, and that's not my fault, I choose not to identefy myself with that brand of women and I am free to make fun of it all I want, hah! And the movie is condescending towards women, in a "this is what we think people in backyard part of the world is like" kind of roundabout way. I don't care, it's comedy, so much infact that any kind of "message" the movie might be trying to deliver get's lost in the laughing. After all, there's naked wrestling, crazy americans, a lot of desillution, and Pamela stuffed in a marrigesack. "Complience not necceseary" became my Lawyerboys favourite tagline from the movie, my own would be "That would be the Corvette. Or the Hummer", not so much the sentence, but the way it's said in the movie, it's like it's a standard part of the salespitch(chills down my spine, while I'm laughing, strange indeed)... And there are many more, this is one of those whom comes with a prefabricated set of inside jokes, great fun if you're in on it, not so much if you're not. Should you go see Borat? Sure, allthoug you might as well wait for the dvd, get some friends together, buy some beers(or whatever's your preferance for comedyincreasing substances), and have a lot of laughs, and I do mean rolling on the couch until you fall off it kind of laughs. I recomend it for fun, but if you want cinematic history, ignore the hype and get yourself some "The Departed". I promise you will not regret it, that one you should be lining up for my little minions. Yes, I know I promised not to use that word again... Haha, my blog, my constantly changing set of rules! Queen in my realm...

Miramuffin says: Have a fun tuesday, if that's even possible, tonight I'm catching the new Bondflick. And I do love me some Bond every once in a while, even if my Bond will always and forever be Sean Connery, the man's man himself. I'll give Daniel Craig a fair shot, like I have given them all, exept George Lazenby, a talented realestate agent and the worst Bond of all time, the man whom almost killed the series. Go out and be free, have some fun, you know you deserve it, and even if you don't, making up excuses to have fun anyway can be fun in itself... Hugzes:)

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Goodbye sunshine

So, it's that time of the year again, in the northern part of Norway we have a couple of months without sun each winter. We have just entered into them and it sucks bigtime, I like sun, eternal dusk and darkness can be very depressing and it messes up my already dodgy sleepingpatterns.
Otherwise I'm pretty happy, still going strong with my darling Lawyerboy, started playing poker again(texas hold'em, the cocaine of cardgames...), loving it bigtime, work is going fine, nothing new under the perpetually dark skies. My twentyfifth birthday is creeping up on me, and I've made plans already, plans involving tequila and headonism, and a sweet alcoholinduced fog covering the memory of my age, swell. Playing lot's of chess theese days to, and I'm getting better, lawyerboy is a pretty decent player but I have become a serious challange for his skills lately(I'm winning quite a few games in fact, fun...). So what to write about, well, I've got a few plans, I'm writing a rewiew of "Borat" and "The Departed", I have a halfway done column about dreams, and some funnier stuff I have barely started on, so keep dropping bye. I also know it's been a while, I have been cut of from the web for a while, and been a little lazy;)

Miramuffin says: Go out and be naughty boys and girls, have some fun, do something diffrent, and listen to some rock and roll while you are at it. Remember, we're the future of the world, so grab onto you're place in it and push the envelope, you deserve fun, so go get some of it;)
Life is loving it, so get to it folks.