Casione Royale, no spoilers included...
I liked it, liked Craig Daniel as Bond too, the blond hair doesn't bother me at all, Bond is not about the hair, it's all about the attitude. Sure, the movie wasn't perfect, sligthly marred by timing issue(seems like a beginners error, strange for such a longlived concept with a wellseasoned director) and a weak female lead(it's a fifty fifty issue when it comes to Bondmovies). But hey, I was in stitches when it became clear they were looking for a new Bond, not so much bechause I liked the last one(he was ok but a little...spent), but bechause it's easy picking the wrong one. Ok, for a while I felt strongly that anyone but Clive Owen was the wrong one, but Daniel worked out surprisingly well. The new Bond might come off as a bit of a sociopath but I think that might be becoming for a character, wich after all is a glorified hitman. I love that new Bond(and it is a new Bond indeed) is directed at an adult audience, with a harder edge and a more defined personality.
The actionsequences vere great(and that, along with some british arrogance, is what I'm in it for), and the opening scene was glorious, really, beautiful to wach, high adrenaline, and spotlessly performed. Too bad the movie slows down to a halt for a while and have to hurry to get back on some form of track towards the end. Love the texas hold'em sequences, though I wished they had flowed a bit better, the movie became very cut and paste around this point.
For the next venture; keep the stunt crew(so gifted indeed) and the effects people, Daniel Craig, and the lovely coldharted M(Judi Dench), get a new director(yes, I know, this one did "Goldeneye" a good bond film, but then he went off and did Zorromovies, and the far from flawless, stumbeling with timeissues; "Beyond Borders"), find some new Bondgirl with a bit more flare(Eva Geen has pretty eyes, and that's about it, boooooring!) and use a lot of time on the script.
So should you catch this one? Yes. Yes indeed, and do it at the cinema, the bigscreen really makes the most of the spectaculare actionsequences, and I might add that the cartoonlike aspect of former Bond actionscenes is all but gone, replaced by a more up to date realistic, but no less dramatic touch. Pretty and exilerating, just what I want on a late tuesday night. So run along and get yourself some tickets will you.