Thursday, September 07, 2006

About Beauty

Some say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I guess that might be one of the truest statements ever made. For the individual peson beauty is a deeply personal thing, a preference developed as we age, and change as humanbeeings. But then again, what builds this image, how is our idea of beauty formed? Well, this is where the story gets ugly. The image of beauty beeing created by media and culture today is a very interesting one, scary at times, but interesting. So you're thin, great, now you need tits and ass too of course. Waist like a five year old, tits like a new mom, and ass like the stairmaster is your closest friend. Is this so hard to understand? Not really, this is a parody created by medias everpresent hunger for Bigger Better Things! and unfortunatly it's not exacly humanly possible without a little slice and dice. Girls are saving their pocket money to get their tits stuffed with silicone, great, then we can finally achive the goal of eating two crackers and a bite of sellery a day, without getting that unfortunate "fourteen year old boy"-figure. Yeeha, finally I can starve myself into a stickfigure with knockers, one small step for me one giant fuckings tragedy for mankind. Beauty is suffering for millions today, the race for the perfect body is a cruel one, for every party involved.
I am thin, and I have met people whom have hated me for it. Great, I'm thin, terefore it's completly accepted to rudly comment my body, tell me I'm to skinny and spread rumors about me beeing anorexic. That's just amazeing, thank you very fuckings much, I hope it made you feel great, you clearly needed some form of confidence boost, and by the way, it made me feel pretty bad. And chill people, I have always had difficulties packing weight on, our metabolisms works in a lot of diffrent ways, mine is pretty active, nature works in mysterious ways.
I am guilty of a great crime, I actually like my body, it's not perfect but it works and it dosen't let me down, it carries me around and complains very little. But this is a sin, I am supposed to be miserable, reading tips for dieting in EVERY magasine ment for women(it's all over the place, seriously, you can't escape) and worrying about cellulites from I wake up till I go to bed. I will not. Repeat after me: I WILL NOT! You should of course keep your body healthy and happy, but insane dieting and silicone is not the way to go, this will do damage to your health just as great as beeing really overweight will. Think about this for a minute, your body is the single greatest thing ever, we have yet to invent anything that comes even close to resembling this cool and complicated consept. The movement of a hand is to complexe to be replicated by robots for a long time still, and that's just a hand. This is amazeing, and it's free and long lasting! If you take care of it that is, today abusing the body is almost getting mandatory. Ok, it's been bad before to, aspeccially the female body have been tortured to fit into all kinds of strange ideals up through time but it's getting really bad again. We must be skinny, we must have tits, great hair(to much dieting induces hairloss..), a golden hairless body, clear shiny eyes, healthy glowing skin and slightly defined muscles in the leg area. Yes, now where did I place my book of magic spells... Because this is not physically possible! Surgically possible, yes, beauty can be bought, for a reasonable price you can take away those pesky wrinkles, you can be twentyfour forever and ever, every little girls dream, you can finally be Barbie, in the flesh. And yes, some women chose to blame men for this happenstance, but I think this is wrong, the beauty industry is to blame. There's a lot of money in making people feel unsecure, a grotesque amount of money in fact. And never forget this, it's ALL ABOUT THE MONEY. They have not invented another "miracle creme" to be nice and give you everlasting youth, they have done this to make you hand over your cold hard cash. And if they ever invent one that actually works..? Would it be any point in selling it and killing such a large and easy market? I don't think so... Most guys seem to be a little indiffrent to this strange system (why is the bathroom stuffed with junk, where can I place my aftershave?). And almost all of them seem to find a lot of varietys of the female body as, well..... Christmas and new year spent at an amusement park. Think about that the next time you put your back out while trying to check your booty for cellulites in the bathroom mirror. Love and cherish your body, it will reward you, and last longer that way.


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