Saturday, September 09, 2006

Yes, I'm fuckin political

So, a new day is looming before me, a Saturday, a big scary day whom I have every intention of just letting pass me by. I have just finished one of my small projects, as beforementioned I'm a member of an internet society, I have a profile, and on this I every day write an end of the world segment. Now isn't that a charming hobby? I write these small scenarios, and as I have written about forty of them I find myself becoming more and more political. In a charming, we're screwed, and I'm really mad about it kind of way... Yes, it can be slightly depressing or enraging, depends on the day one is having. Today I wrote about concequences, a fun little concept, given way to little attention in todays society, because they're getting bigger(worse) every single day. War against terror, or for democracy, or about oil, or against weapons of mass destruction, (what's todays excuse I wonder?) is a good example. I know history is written by the winners but hey Georgieboy, it's not enough that you and your daddys buddys says it's so, the other side seem to be disagreeing. Ok, you won an election that way, but thats a story for another day, my bloodpressure is high enough as it is. Iraq is stil on fire, Afghanistan has turned into a fucking mess and the world is getting scarier by the day, not to mention what's happending to the enviroment. And I loved the nice little speach about secret prisons and "the progress" they have brought. What fucking progress? One would think that if you have avoided terror this way we would know avout it, it's not as if you would not suck every drop of good press out of the smallest nugget of "progress". But it's been quiet, and why is it not seen as neccecary to hold trials against "the bad people" held in such places as Guantanamo? You don't expect us to take your word for it do you? Because your word dosn't hold much weight out here in "the rest of the world". Or anywhere else by now I guess. And a problem arises here, when one is going to make a serious mess, one is usually forced to face the concequences(god, I just love that sentence, very eightees actionflick oriented). Not gonna happen anytime soon you say? Ok, you're right, we can't fight you in any real way at present day, but on your next little scirmish for "democracy" you might find yourself a little lonely. But back on que, I had a plan for this column, now where did i put it... Oh yes, the enviroment. The man Georgieboy stole an election from has started a crusade of his own, a long and losing(I guarantee it) battle against a terrifying opponent. Yes, Al Gore is travelling the world to show his movie about global warming. The world is going straight to hell and the evil empire won't even look at the Kyoto agreement, it's not for us, we don't belive in concequences, we belive in God and he will keep us safe. To bad ignorance isn't included among the seven deadly sins. "No, these storms are NORMAL, ok, so some ice is melting, the weather seems to have gone insane, but hey, it's nice and warm isn't it?" Guess what, so is you're beloved hell. And I guess it will be snowing there before you open your eyes to what is happening. In the meen time the rest of us should just bunker down I guess, buy some lifejackets, build some rafts and such. Maybe an ark come to think of it.
A new day is coming, a day when the enviroment will rage against what we have done, and with a little luck, the people driving hummers and SUV's will be first in line to pay the price. Who am I kidding, the poor will be the first to suffer, same as always, the unfortunate will become even more unfortunate while the wealthy will move to higher areas, arrange for security to keep the hungry masses out, and profit from selling elevated areas of land to the highest bidder. Man, this new world order sucks. But still the concequences are coming, so be afraid, be very afraid.
Or do what I do, just observe, observe and learn. Cause knowlege is progress. And I seem to have accidentally explained the strangeness of the American education system(in Europe the idea of needing to have a lot of money to get an education seems strange, we don't like to look at knowlege as something to be bought by the people with the most money).
Ok, I am calmer now then when I started writing but I'm still angry. Think I will listen to some Ryan Adams now, wishing I had a bottle of nice red, and that the world would be a pretty and safe place. Well at least it's still kinda pretty, so go outside, look at the birds and the bugs inn the grass, and think for a bit, about the fact that we share this world with a lot of other creatures, creatures that are just barely getting by today. And if Georgieboy want to make a less tastless and ignorant refrence to Hitler and nazigermany, he need not look very far. A holocaust is already happending, to anything not human.
Miramuffin says Goodnight and good luck.


Blogger Nobody said...

"To bad ignorance isn't included among the seven deadly sins."

Loved that! I've always essentially believed that Ignorance is THE deadly sin, the wellspring from which the reast of them flow.

Enjoying your posts so far, these are very captivating little trips you narrate.

3:18 PM  

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