Monday, September 04, 2006

The magic of days in the week

So... Today it's monday, if it's a manic one is yet to bee seen but hey, I just got out of bed very late(in other words, I'm not removing any stupid jokes...) and it's raining outside. This is typical for a Monday, the most sluggish of all the days. Monday is for crawling back to work, and then going home to eat some quick fix dinner and watch tv.
Tuesday's gone, no actually it's still here, we just seldom notice them in passing, another hurdle early on in the week, boring day most of the time, tired from monday, still a long way to go before the weekend.
Wednesday, Wednsday morning 3am, no wait, if you're awake it still feels like Tuesday... Wednesdays are sweet, a midweek celebration that the weekend is drawing close is called for, Wednesday is for slacking of at work and going out for a drink and some tapas, of course this sometomes takes it's toll on thursday...
Thursday's child, now thats what I am, born waiting for a Friday... Thursdays are the day directly after wednesday, the one when you're hung over at work and everyone is trying to get some stuff done so they can spend friday bored and restless, and take a long lunch. Thursday you are likely to go home tired, eating something simple and falling asleep watching tv. Now doesn't that sound fun?
Friday, Friday on my mind... Now this is a good day, work on friday isn't real work, people are just milling around trying to look busy so that nobody asks them to do anything. Friday is the home of the long lunch and frequent breaks spent chatting with colleagues about plans for the weekend. Then it's out living it up, having fun for long hours before you go home and fall into bed exhausted.
Saturday morning, it's a little creepy sometimes, a little sick from the night before, a little stressed about what to do tonight. Saturday night's alright, but not really for fighting... Saturdays are scary bechause it's the top of the week, it kinda have to work, something fun and exiting have to happen, and it's hell for the controlfreaks out there. So many moving parts, so fluid and unpredictable... Here's a little pice of advice, take it easy, make some casual plans with friends and let the day flow by on it's own, this has, in my experience, a way of making Saturdays getting into gear quite effortlessly.
Sunday, we don't celebrate Sundays. I sure don't at least, Sunday is the home of massive hang overs, guilty feelings about how you've spent your week, often with emphesis on Saturaday night and existential doubts about the choices made in life. Of course it's also the home of take out dinners, movies with friends and spending extra hours in bed. Also, you have to consider that you're going back to work on monday, never a happy thought, but hey, you're ideas about moving to the countryside and running a small ecologic farm involves a lot more physical work in the real world than it does in your head. So go to bed early, get up and go to work Monday, I know it sucks but to live you have to make money, ok?

So, no real work done today, but at least I'm writing. Today I'm linking to my first love in the blogging world, the girls at go fug yourself deserves a big audience so click the headline, and go waste some time, I know you want to. Have a great Monday, if thats even possible.


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