Saturday, September 23, 2006

Saturday morning

Yess, it's Saturday, an I'm out of my mind... No, just kidding, I'm very ok at the moment, almost, dare I say it...? Happy. I'm working again, taking care of the elderly, a nice job actually, the pay is far from great(or even resonable) but my colleagues are really cool and the work is quite rewarding. It's nice feeling like a grown up again, the income doesn't hurt eighter...
I'm sitting in my room listening to music and drinking coffee, having a very happy day, but I'm also a little nervous, going to a party tonight that I actually care about, it's been a while since that was the case. But it's a nice feeling, like I have become less frozen, without having noticed that I was ever frozen in the first place. Life is cool that way sometimes, butterflies, blueskies and cottoncandycool. But there's also that scary thing about what a brittle thing happiness is, one can not call oneself a grownup without beeing in the know about this, I think it's some kind of law, and if it's not, it shoud be. So legislate. Kidding. And if you didn't get that one, well, then you must be a lawyer, and this is the least of your problem. See? Now I'm kidding again, get it? If not, just keep reading my blog, it will take some time, and some hard work on my part, but we'll get there, don't worry. And you could also check out the page I'm linking to, quizlaw, who said laws must be boring? This guy is very smart, and very funny, so hit the ground running and link on, bloggers of the world unite(ok, I'm smirking a little over that sentence myself, but I'm not taking it out, and you can't make me, my blog, my dictatorship, hah!).

Oh, actually listening to Tom Jones now, with the intro of Johnny Depp an Benicio delToro(I doubt my spelling here...), it's just one of those days... "She's a lady" is nice, but god how I love "It's not unusual" right now, such fun, and of course there's Mars Attacs, Tom Jones will never be the same, strange images in my head... And if you haven't heard of Mars attacs, shame on you, get to the videostore, right now. What was I planning for this column to be about again... My attentionspan is far from great I'm afraid. Aha, about life beeing kinda ok.
You know when you sometimes feel like you have just opened your eyes and discovered that the world is a very beautiful place? That feeling can be induced, you just have to try. So go on people, go outside, look for the thousands of things that makes you smile, and you will find that they are all still there, you just have to aknowlege them. Look at the birdies, the trees felling their leafes, all orange and nice, at least they are in my hemisphere, if you're somewhere else I'm sure you can still find something. So enjoy.
And don't forget, Live to love, cause love is life.

Miramuffin wishes you all a very nice day and a fun evening.


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