Wednesday, September 20, 2006

From the diary...

I've been up all night again. My insomnia seems to be getting worse, and nothing, short off sleeping pills, works. And sleeping pills make me totally drowsy the next day so I can't take them if I am going to get anything done. Great, the miracles of modern medisin.
But anyway, exept that I look like I've been on the redeye, and that my eyes are itching like crazy, I feel fine. Ok, that's not true, I feel really strange actually, it's like there is a whole world out there, reserved for the sleepdeprived, a strange hostile place, a place that makes you jump at sudden noices and want to curl up in a dark corner. But it also makes you feel strangely smart in a scary way. It's like the senses become heightened, eyesight feels clearer, sounds louder, even smells seem to become more distinct. And your brain seems to kick into a diffrent, more fastpaced, gear. Are you scared yet? This effect wears off after a certain amount of time, in my case about thirtysix hours, and then I turn into something resembling the living dead. But until then, I'm very much awake, and a little bit manic. I sometimes wonder what this does to my body, and I try to take some precautions, eating healthy and doing some yoga mainly. Ok, fine, I drink coffee. It keeps me sane, and you will have to wrench the cup from my cold, dead hands if you want me to stop.

Today I have a few small and nice things to do, I'm starting work tomorrow, so today is my last day as a deadbeat, wops, I mean full time student. As if. I'm a terrible student, mainly because studying litterature in this country has become a very futile activity. Analyse. Write. Repeat. Over and over again. I swear, I'm toying with the idea of turning in the same paper over and over, just changing the names as I go. Present day I would probably get away with it, and it can't possibly be less fulfilling than doing a marginally diffrent job over and over. Hmm, this subject always make me...bitey. And it's a word if I say it is, HAH.
Ehem, I digress... Today: Visiting a girlfriend and the puppy she's dogsitting for today, I'm so looking foreward to it, nothing makes humans happier than a puppy. For about half an hour at least, after that you realize they have a lot more energy than you. But still, Puppy! Happy!
Later, maybe some cardgames, or chess with my brother, some light reading, and some slightly heavier writing, fun! What a glamourous life I lead. Well, I was at a pretty serious afterparty this weekend, champagne was involved, so really, I have nothing to complain about;)
Miramuffin says: Have fun, go wild, love life, it's the way to go.


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