Friday, September 01, 2006

Humanity sucks...

This is just another ordinary day, feeling a little disconnected with the world as I woke up, but that's normal these days. So after some surfing I have some coffee with a neighbour, still a peaceful and cosy day, so , I go back to surfing and i find this site; Don't ask how I found it, it's kinda about that whole feeling of beeing disconnected. Here is this guy, dumped after an his wife cheated back in 2000, whom has dedicated his life to his, and others, revenge. Now isn't that cute, he sells(I assume, there's NO way I'm registrating to this particulare site) "revengekits", nasty phonecalls, messages, mail, the whole revengefantasy. And you can register your ex in his "hall og shame". I read one of these "profiles" and it actually made me feel sick, sick and ashamed on behalf of the human race. To sum it up, the message was, "shes a big, fat, ugly slut". How fucking original, it's like highscool, so adorable, now if I coud only stop myself from throwing up a little in my mouth... Seriously! Get a grip man! I mean, you have spent six years beeing angry, you better be making some serious cash off this, or you are the saddest thing I have ever seen. What's the problem you ask?
Well, first off, if you have been mistreated(and who hasn't) is really the best solution beeing the bigger idiot? Cheating is wrong, no doubt about that, but if your best option to handling the situation is trying to shame your ex online, well, you have problems. Yes, wanting to get back is normal, don't get me wrong, at somepoint I, to, have been wanting to light someones house on fire and order junk of the net in their name... But it's fantasy, nothing more and nothing less, and yes, it can be very healthy, as long as you keep it to the fantasy. If you feel a need to do something real, a well rehearsed conversation picking your ex apart is as far as one shoud go. Because how can you despise and hate someone for the evil stuff they have done and then turn right around beeing as big a jerk? And don't forget the circular effects of revenge, an eye, for an eye for and eye and so on. Before you know it we're all blind and stumbeling around still stabbing. So just don't people, move on with your life, don't let the bastards get you down, actually, forgetting someone might be the best revenge out there. Like a big neon sign saying "You don't matter!". And please don't enter that site if you're angry at your last big thing, I am not going to be responsible for your tragic fall into pathetic behavioral patterns, ok?
Be the better person, live your life and let the bad stuff go, it's a winner in the long run.
Now I have to go to the bank, so there goes the rest of my faith in the world...


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