Thursday, August 17, 2006

Stop making dating hell, it's easy

Today, lets talk about dating and the flood of books being published on this subject. Dating seems to have become the greatest mystery known to man, there's more books published and sold on this subject than about religion and politics, and I don't think they can possibly all be good, or even worthy of publishing. But still, they sell, and today, that's all that matters as we all know.
The strange part is, about ninety prosent of theese are directed at women. This would, to an alien just arrived on earth, imply that women are the dominating sex on the dating arena. That's just until our unfortunate alien reads the title of a few of the books of course. "How to make him to commit to you", "Seventeen ways to snag a husbond", "How to meet the perfect man! The ten step guide". And so on and so on. And of course the one that will really confuse our alien; "Men are from Mars, women from Venus" (Or how to snag a martian I guess... Dummest title ever). This book really makes me angry, I guess I shoudn't let it bother me but it's just so condesending and dumb and to top it off I think it's actually wellmeaning. "Don't call him, he needs to be the hunter, if he calls on a friday, you have to say you're busy on Saturday, always hold out until this and this date" and so on and so on.... Write a fucking timetabel while you're at it, cause one thing is for sure, you have way to much free time on you're hands. Why are almost none of the books on this subject directed at men, and why are the ones who actaully are directed at you guys very diffrent from the swamp of books directed at women? For women you have the Mars and Venus variety, for men you have the books like "The Game", by Neill Strauss. The subject is similare but not the same. Shortly said, for men: "How to get laid", for women; "How to get married". Why in the name of all thats good in the world have this happend? Is this where feminism and the sexual revolution brought us?? Men get the fun stuff, women get the desperate and sad section. This is unfair! I do not want to "snag a husband"! We're not hunting game people, we're connecting and socializing with other humanbeeings. Pesonally I doubt I will ever get married, what's the point? Cant you love someone without a piece of paper to prove it? And I really must say that it surprises me that so many women are practically going crazy to get married. Marriage used to be something women had to do to survive, we were closer to livestock than we were to slaves, fathers "selling" daughters to their husbonds. And this is an institution women are going nuts for today? I'm sorry, I just dont get it. And why lots of Americans still have the phrase "to obey" in the female part of the wedding vowels, that really leaves me flabbergasted. I read "The Game" lately, and frankly, I loved it. It's not exacly constructive but at least it's a lot more honest than the female versions. We are way beyond the stage where a woman must adapt her behavior to suit men, so why are we still telling young women that's the way to go? Frankly I will not comply to this wave of idiocy, if I wanna sleep with someone on the first date then it's my fucking buissniss, and if that puts of the guy from a further relationship, then frankly I'm better off without him, there's no room in my life for wuzzy, easily frightend men. And I'm not about to say it's ok tho build a culture that takes a charachterflaw in part of one sex, and then builds the behavior of the other sex to suit this flaw. Of course men will run around having all the fun, they're probably wondering what the hell women are doing mulling around waiting for a good thing to magically happen. When did this problem become so generally accepted? Is there something scary going on behind all this? Most of theese "self help" books for women are written by women. So why are they not more life affirming and confidence building, why are they all telling me to moderate my behavior and dumb down to appeal to men? This is cruel towards both men and women, we are a lot better than theese books makes us out to be. So do yourself a favour, and stay away from this section of the bookstore, let's hope the alien will follow that example. Or else the alien will promtly write us off as imbisils and sign off on the destruckt order regarding earth. No intelligent life detected.


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