Thursday, August 24, 2006

The one night stand, should we lay down some rules anytime soon?

Yes, you've been there, and if you haven't you might be looking for a way to get there, or end up accidentally beeing there. Or you're married. Or religious, on the latter one, get out of my blog, this information might traumatize you. We really should have laid down some ground rules for this "sport" a long time ago, I bet that at some point, thousends of years ago, a stoneage person was confronted with the horrible kiss, hug or the dredded handshake problem. Shoud I? Uhoh, she's leaning in, help, where do i put my hands, why I'm I here, who the hell is this person?! Yes, it's never been the sex that's the problem has it, it's the horrible morning after...Or, well, the sexstuff can be complicated as well. Am I doing this right? Seem to be the most frequently asked question. And people, there is a lot of good sex going on out there, most of it beeing had by...Tada! People in relationships. No shocker there, practice might never make you perfect but it sure helps alot, and there's that whole advantage by knowing your partner and their quirks and kickers. But thats a whole other colum so back to the onenighters.
Ok, you've just met, you don't know eachother, you're attracted and, if probability has taught us anything, at least a little drunk. Alcohol, the social oil of choice, billions of people can't be wrong.
So you're now faced with the where question, where are you going. The real his or hers issue(ok, his or his, hers or hers, this is't a exclusive straight thing). Do you want the homebase advantage or the easy getaway? Ok, at this point you should already have made you'r intentions clear. Always make it clear what you're in it for, don't lead people on, it's cruel and imature. And unanswered questions can kill your night, or bring you the morning from hell. The "So, what are we doing today?" morning, you don't want that. This is for tonight, let's just have fun, I don't need your phonenumber and so on. All theese things shoud be made clear beforehand, it might limit your field of choices a little but lies are not ok under any circumstances. Be nice, we all have to live together in a limited area, six degrees of seperation, you will meet this person again, probably on an akward time and place, NEVER forget this. So all the intentions are made clear, you're going home together, now you must face the sleeping together question. Am I sleeping over, are we waking up together? Make a decision here early on and make it known to your partner. Some find the sleeping in someones arms experience better than the sex, and that's ok, we all need a little warmth and comfort once in a while. I'm presuming you are single, people in relationships has no buissniss running around having onenightstands anyway, I know some of you do, and I don't like you, nobody does, you're bad, and not in a cool or sexy way. The sex I'm leaving you to figure out on your own, but it's smart to chat a little about it beforehand, figure out eachothers prefrences and so on, it helps. And also, ther's quite a few trap doors to avoid, weird stuff shoud be discussed beforehand, surprises of any kind can go horribly wrong, don't let someone handcuff you, before you know it you are rapidly discovering how a shaving fetish works, not fun unless your into it. Always use condoms. Always meaning EVERY fucking time. If you don't, you're an idiot, and an asshole as well, you soon to be disiaseridden jerk. Talking is optional but try to remember the general rules of social behavior, it's never wrong to be polite and civil. And when it comes to the sexstuff, this one is in a physical perspective mostly for you guys out there, to much alcohol can lead to akward problems, like the "this never happend before, I'm sorry, ehh..." problem. You know what I'm talking about... If this shoud happend, it's not the end of the world, nobody is judging, and don't make a big deal out of it, compensate with other skills instead. But your best option will always be not to drink to much.
So the sex is over with, hopefully with an element of fulfillment involved for both parties, sleep or talk is the issue at hand. Unfortunatly nature has a strange sense of humor, sex makes women more awake and men sleepy, it's rude to fall fast asleep, but if you can't help it, holding your partner close as you drift of is the easiest way towards forgiveness, then you are beeing sweet, not just selfish. And now we have arrived at the morning after. This is usually when it gets really akward, sobriety sets in, sharp ruthless light as well. Try to read the bodylanguage folks, if someone is desperatly trying to avoid eyecontact, a kiss before you leave might not be the best idea. The hug is usually your best option, the handshake is rude, and a clear and frightning sign of regret, don't do this to someone. The hug has an optional level of bodyontact, so don't overdo it. And remember, if you're feeling a little dazed and confused, the other person in the room is probably not doing much better, so smile, it's helps. And don't forget that at some level you do like eachother, and if you have any regrets, this is your problem and yours alone. Don't take them out on the other person, collateral damage is'nt an option at this point. Be nice.


Blogger Nobody said...

That was fascinating, I've never seen a date deconstructed like that before. You have a talent for making the things you write about very familiar. A pleasure to read, thanks.

3:31 PM  
Blogger Knowmadd Scatterbrain said...

This should be published. Take it off the blog before someone steals it, copywrite it and sell it. This is the level of detail that shows like Seinfeld and Sex And The City made a fortune off of. Why shouldn't you get a piece of the pie? At least you've found your calling. Nice work!

3:15 PM  

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